The Edge, Ep. 3: How Can a Date on the Calendar Change Your Life?
The majority of people aren’t willing to do what it takes to find success. They’re willing to push themselves and work hard, but they stop there. Others forge forward, enduring whatever mental and physical obstacles appear before them. Some refer to this point between comfort and discomfort as one’s breaking point. We call it "The Edge," and it’s where our story begins.
The Edge, presented by Lexus, profiles three Spartans who are used to living in the discomfort zone. We’ll learn what makes them tick, how they train, and — most importantly — how they venture past "The Edge" to find success where others don’t.
WATCH NOW: The Edge Ep. 1 | The Edge Ep. 2
On the third episode of The Edge, Elite and Ultra racer Matt Hrica digs deep into the "why" behind his ability to get up before the sun every morning and train — despite a harrowing daily schedule, filled with managing 20 employees and coaching several sports — even if it's dumping snow outside.
If you don't already have a date on your calendar staring you in the face right now, you will after this.