Bodyweight Training Plan: Day 13 - Endurance

Bodyweight Training Plan: Day 13 - Endurance
Presented by Spartan Training®

Today, we’re switching things up for our run, Spartan. We are learning how to vary our inclines between hills and flats. We will be maintaining a consistent run speed on the flats and working a pyramid for incline walking during your “recovery” intervals on the hills.

Try today’s 30 minute run-walk on any treadmill or hilly terrain. Work to maintain the same speed for each run interval as well as the walk interval. If you cannot find varying degrees of hills, push your speed with each “increase” in incline and decrease your speed when you are “decreasing” your incline.

Get ready for a challenging run, Spartan. You can do this.


Active Mobilitzation

Dynamic Warm Up

5:00 0% Jog (6-7  RPE)

1:00 0% Run  (7-10 mph) 1:00 5% Walk (3-4.5 mph) 1:00 0% Run  (7-10 mph) 1:00 6% Walk (3-4.5 mph) 1:00 0% Run  (7-10 mph) 1:00 7% Walk (3-4.5 mph) 1:00 0% Run  (7-10 mph) 1:00 8% Walk (3-4.5 mph) 1:00 0% Run (7-10 mph) 1:00 9% Walk (3-4.5 mph) 1:00 0% Run  (7-10 mph) 1:00 10% Walk (3-4.5 mph) 1:00 0% Run  (7-10 mph) 1:00 9% Walk (3-4.5 mph) 1:00 0% Run  (7-10 mph) 1:00 8% Walk (3-4.5 mph) 1:00 0% Run  (7-10 mph) 1:00 7% Walk (3-4.5 mph) 1:00 0% Run (7-10 mph) 1:00 6% Walk (3-4.5 mph) 1:00 0% Run (7-10 mph) 1:00 5% Walk (3-4.5 mph) 1:00 0% Run  (7-10 mph) 2:00 0% Jog (5-6 RPE)

Cool Down

Foam Roll any muscles you feel excessive soreness or tightness