July 4 Special: A 7-Day Summer Training Plan

July 4 Special: A 7-Day Summer Training Plan
Presented by Spartan Training®

A lot of people are on vacation this week with July 4.

This week, we’re using this creativity and making the most of our surroundings. From local stadiums, to parks, to local trails, and more, this week will make the most of any outdoor situation you could find. You’ll see gains in strength, speed, and power all through outdoor functional Spartan training.

Wednesday July 4 - Park

Today, head to a new or a favorite local park. Make the most of the playgrounds and park benches. This is your gym today. Repeat the following circuit 4 times through.

Afterward, set up your space to watch the fireworks.

Warm Up:

  • 5 minute jog
  • High Knees - 30 Seconds
  • Butt Kicks - 30 Seconds
  • High Kicks - 30 Seconds
  • Lateral Shuffles - 30 Seconds (each side)

Main Set:

  • Lap (Sprint) around playground/ ¼ mile
  • 15 Squats to Park Bench
  • 15 Push Ups to Park Bench
  • 15 Park Bench Split Squats (each leg)
  • 1 Lap on Monkey Bars - down and back
  • 15 Burpees Jump to Park Bench

Thursday July 5 - Stadium

Do you have a local school stadium? Maybe a park with bleachers? Find your closest set of stadium stairs and enjoy our stadium HIIT today. Repeat the following circuit 10 times through for killer leg conditioning.

Warm Up:

  • 5 minute jog
  • High Knees - 30 Seconds
  • Butt Kicks - 30 Seconds
  • High Kicks - 30 Seconds
  • Lateral Shuffles - 30 Seconds (each side)

Main Set:

  • 1 Segment Stair Sprints
  • :30 recovery (coming down the stairs)
  • 1 Segment Stair Hops
  • :30 recovery (coming down the stairs)
  • 1 Segment Lunges Up
  • :30 recovery (coming down the stairs)
  • 1 Segment Bear Crawl Up
  • 1 minute recovery (coming down the stairs)
  • X10

Friday July 6 - Woods/ Trail

For today’s workout, nature is your playground. Go out to a state forest or the county trails and see what equipment you can find. Get creative. Virtually any boulder or leg is your new weight. This is a 3 tri-set workout. Do 3 sets of 3 exercises before moving on to the next set of 3 exercises.

Warm Up:

  • 5 minute jog
  • High Knees - 30 Seconds
  • Butt Kicks - 30 Seconds
  • High Kicks - 30 Seconds
  • Lateral Shuffles - 30 Seconds (each side)

Main Set:

  • Log/ Boulder Squat and Press - 3x10
  • Push Ups - 3x10
  • Lateral Hops - 3x10 (Can be done over logs for a larger channel. Do at your own risk)
  • Log/ Boulder Walking Lunges - 3x10
  • Pull Ups on Tree Branch - 3x6 (Do at your own risk. Can do an inverted row on a low branch as an alternative)
  • Log/ Boulder Carry - 3x10 (Walk 10 yards carrying, set boulder or log down, pick it up and walk another 10 yards)
  • Plank - 3x10 (Find a log or a boulder, start in a high plank on the tool, walk down to ground, walk back up to log or boulder)
  • Hanging Leg Raise from tree branch - 3x10
  • Burpees - 3x10

Saturday - Rest Day

Sunday - Beach

The best Fridays of summer are spent on the beach. Let today be no exception. Today’s beach workout is an AMRAP (as many rounds as possible). Give everything you’ve got to work consistently for 20 minutes. Your reward is sunshine and a summer beach day.

Warm Up:

  • 5 minute jog
  • High Knees - 30 Seconds
  • Butt Kicks - 30 Seconds
  • High Kicks - 30 Seconds
  • Lateral Shuffles - 30 Seconds (each side)

Main Set (20 minutes):

  • 100 yard Sand Sprint
  • 10 Jump Squats
  • 10 Push Ups to Shoulder Taps
  • 10 Alternating Lunge Jumps (each leg)
  • 10 Side Plank Leg Lift
  • 10 Ice Skaters
  • 100 yard Lateral Ape Walks (each direction)

Monday - Around Town

Saturdays are most often the day to get out and run errands around town. Today, go explore the town. Spend an hour jogging around your local favorites. Visit the sites and explore new locations. Do what you can to maintain a steady pace or a full 60 minutes.

Tueday - Park or Woods


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