Dynamic Strength and Agility Workouts for Every Level
Week 3
Strength and Agility Workout: Day 1
Dynamic Warmup: Complete 1 set of the moves below. Stationary Inchworm - 10 yards Lateral Crawl with Push-up - 5 reps on each side Reverse Lunge with Knee Extension - 8 reps on each side Spiderman Crawl - 10 yards Straight-Leg March - 10 yards
Strength + Strength: Complete 3 sets of each circuit with a brief rest in between. Dual Kettlebell Shoulder Press - 10 reps Goblet Squat to Press-Out - 10 reps ISO Birddog - 8 reps on each side
Dual Kettlebell Deadlift - 10 reps Traditional Pull-up - 10 reps Clock Plank - 60 seconds Dual Racked Carry - 10 yards
Strength and Agility Workout: Day 2
Active Stretching Warm-up: Complete 1 set of the moves below. Posterior Hip Rock - 8 reps on each side Quadruped Hip Rock - 10 reps Standing Pec Active Stretch - 8 reps on each side Single-Leg Deadlift with Reach - 8 reps on each side
Power + Strength: Complete 3 sets of each circuit with a brief rest in between. Medball Chest Pass - 12 reps Kettlebell Clean - 6 reps on each side Dual Kettlebell-Racked Squat - 10 reps
Kettlebell-Racked Lateral Squat - 6 reps on each side Superband Chop - 6 reps on each side Single-Leg Deadlift with Row - 6 reps on each side Dynamic Plank - 60 seconds
Strength and Agility Workout: Day 3
Joint Stabilizing Warmup: Complete 1 set of the moves below. Y, T, W, L - 8 reps each Miniband Walks - 10 reps on each side Standing Cobra - 10 reps Lateral Lunge with Reach - 8 reps on each side Bodyweight squat - 10 reps
SAQ + Endurance (Tabata): Complete each circuit below for the number of sets and reps Hopscotch - 4 sets forward and backward Hip Switch - 4 sets forward and backward Linear In, In, Out, Out - 4 sets forward and backward
Suspension Row - 2 sets of 20 seconds activity/20 seconds rest Suspension Squat Jump - 2 sets of 20 seconds activity/20 seconds rest Suspension Bicep Curl - 2 sets of 20 seconds activity/20 seconds rest
Strength and Agility Workout: Day 4
Active Stretching Self-Myofascial Release Deep Breathing - 2 sets of 10 breaths Spiderman Active Stretch - 2 sets of 10 reps on each side 90s Active Stretch - 2 sets of 10 reps on each side Hang Clean Active Stretch - 2 sets of 12 reps Floor Lat Active Stretch - 2 sets of 10 reps on each side Side-Lying T-spine Rotation - 2 sets of 10 reps each side Quadruped Hp Rock - 2 sets of 12 reps on each side Birddog - 2 sets of 10 reps on each side
Strength and Agility Workout: Day 5
Crawling warmup: Complete 1 set of the moves below. Leg Cradle to Reverse Lunge - 8 reps on each side Single-Leg Deadlift to Lateral Lunge - 8 reps on each side Lateral Crawl - 10 yards High-Knee Skip - 10 yards Lateral Skip - 10 yards
Strength + Strength: Complete 3 sets of each circuit with a brief rest in between. Kettlebell Deadlift to Goblet Squat - 8 reps Hand Staggered Push-up - 6 reps on each side Plank Walk - 12 reps
ISO Squat Row - 10 reps Crush-Grip Pull-Up - 10 reps Side Plank Row - 6 reps on each side Bucket Carry - 10 yards
Strength and Agility Workout: Day 6
Static Stretching Warm-up: Complete 1 set of the moves below. Standing Hip Flexor Active Stretch - 8 reps on each side Standing Adductor Active Stretch - 8 reps on each side Superband Lat Active Stretch - 8 reps on each side Lateral Leg Swings - 8 reps on each side Hinge with Reach - 10 reps
Endurance (Tabata): Complete each circuit below for the number of sets and reps indicated with a brief rest in between. Burpee - 2 sets of 20 seconds activity/20 seconds rest Alternating Rotational Lunge - 2 sets of 20 seconds activity/20 seconds rest Straight-Leg Sit-up - 2 sets of 20 seconds activity/20 seconds rest
Kettlebell Swing - 2 sets of 20 seconds activity/20 seconds rest Kettlebell Clean - 2 sets of 20 seconds activity/20 seconds rest Push/press - 2 sets of 20 seconds activity/20 seconds rest
Strength and Agility Workout: Day 7
Active Recovery Self-Myofascial Release Deep Breathing - 2 sets of 10 breaths Bear Crawl - 2 sets of 6 reps on each side Quadruped Hip Extension - 2 sets of 6 reps on each side Active Palm Plank - 2 sets of 30 seconds Walking Heel to Butt with Reach - 2 sets of 10 reps on each side Walking Single-Leg Deadlift with Reach - 2 sets of 8 reps each side Lateral Lunge with Reach - 2 sets of 8 reps on each side 5K Walk