Lower-Body Speed & Power Workout with Gabe Snow

Spartan+ Exclusive
Presented by Spartan Training®

About the Lower-Body S&C Workout:

In this workout leg-burner, Spartan Coach Gabe Snow takes you through a lower-body strength routine that touches on every single muscle in the lower half of your body. You choose the dumbbell weight you want to employ, or you can modify by racking the dumbbell and following along with just your bodyweight.

Related: 25-Min Kettlebell EMOM & Core Tabata Workout

Equipment You Need:

1 Light-to-Moderate Weight Dumbbell

1 Heavy-Loaded Dumbbell

Here’s How It Works:

You’ll need one light dumbbell and one heavier dumbbell. Gabe takes you through a strength move followed by a bodyweight power move in each superset. This is a perfect match for building muscle and explosive power. Not to mention, you’ll feel this one in your lungs.

Related: 15-Min Strength & Conditioning Workout to Build Power Fast

Here’s What to Expect:

Lower-Body Strength Workout

CIRCUIT 1 - 3 rounds total, light dumbbell suggested

Exercise 1 - Lunge Matrix Right Side

3 DB Forward Lunges, 3 DB Lateral Lunges, 3 DB Reverse Lunge, 3 DB Rotational Squat, 3 DB Squat

Exercise 2 - Lunge Matrix Left Side

3 DB Forward Lunges, 3 DB Lateral Lunges, 3 DB Reverse Lunge, 3 DB Rotational Squat, 3 DB Squat

Pro Tip - Change up the dumbbell’s position. By changing where and how you hold the dumbbell, you’re putting extra strain on your core and challenging your entire body.

CIRCUIT 2 - 3 rounds total, 60 seconds of rest between supersets

Superset 1 - Heavy DB

5 DB Front Squat

5 Squat Jump

Pro Tip - Slow down on the DB front squats by placing extra emphasis on the eccentric phase of the movement. This means that you will lower your hips slowly with control rather than just dropping your hips down.

Superset 2 - Heavy DB

5 DB Sumo Squat 

5 Pop-Up (Squat Thrust)

Superset 3 - Heavy DB

5 each side, Kickstand Deadlift

5 each side, Split Squat Jumps

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