Glenn Racz: My Mobility Counter-Attack

Glenn Racz: My Mobility Counter-Attack
Presented by Spartan Training®

An interview with Glenn Racz, a five-year vet of the Spartan Racing Pro Team who has both a 4:12-mile-time and has been a presence on American Ninja. Glenn's sponsors include BeetElite and YancyCamp.

How was your off-season training?

Great. I started the winter with a strong base and it has continued to be a good pre-season of training without injury. I started a new job recently where I commute 20 miles daily on my bike to further increase my training volume without having to run so much on these old 38-year-old legs.

Any weaknesses you've been drilling into and how have you gone about it?

I've been working on addressing muscular strains (calf strain, plantar faciitis, IT Band, sciatic nerve). I've had these throughout the years, so I've been aggressive with my post-workout routine of core exercises, foam rolling, and static stretching to help prevent the build-up of muscular fatigue and stress. 

Who are you training with these days?

In previous years I have generally trained alone, however this past year I am thankful to train with my buds Chris Bednar and Brendan King. They’ve been great and are are willing to wake up for our early workouts, on trail and track. We have similar goals and the group training helps us sharpen both physically but also mentally. The support helps you get through both good days and bad days.

How would you characterize your nutrition?

I try to eat a balanced, nutrient-dense diet which includes lots of big salads with nuts and tasty spices.  I'm becoming a huge fan of local farmers markets for my produce. 

Is there a race in the Spartan U.S. Championship series that you are particularly fired up about?

I'm stoked that two of the races are in California.  As a native, it’s great to be able to drive to the venue to bring the family along.  I grew up snowboarding at Big Bear, so it’s going to be a treat to run through the snowboard terrain park!  I'm looking forward to that race in May.

What are your goals for the season?

I set goals that allow me to sustain the level of training needed to get me through whole U.S. Championship series of five races plus the National Champs race and World Champs race in late Sept.  Its a long season and there are seven key races, so I need to listen to my body so I don't get injured early. I try to have many mini-peaks in my fitness so I can do well throughout the full six months of racing.

What's your favorite exercise or workout these days?

I have found some of the YancyCamp workouts really get me out of my comfort zone from my typical grip strength and circuit routines.  One great recent workout was a circuit of 10 thrusters, five pull-ups (with grip changes), 10 burpees, and 20-yard bear crawls. Five sets for time, all performed after a running session when my heart rate was moving.

What’s your advice for beginners?

Set a goal race, train the best you can, race, then figure out what you did wrong or what is the best way to improve your performance for next time.  Then repeat.   I love the process of progression gained through fitness and strength in this sport, which is what makes Spartan so unique in the world of athletics. Since the strongest can always get faster and the fastest need to get stronger….and Spartan seems to bring the best out of us to help expose our weaknesses.

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