This Is What Spartan Employees Miss About Racing (and Can't WAIT for in 2021)

This Is What Spartan Employees Miss About Racing (and Can't WAIT for in 2021)
Presented by Spartan Training®

There's good news and bad news. First, the bad news: This is yet another month without racing.

The good news? The 2021 season is around the corner, and we can't wait to get back out on the course. (If you haven't picked your date, or begun your training, we urge you to get on it. The season will be upon us before we know it.)

Related: The 2021 Spartan Race Schedule Is Live! Here's Everything Racers Need to Know

In anticipation of the 2021 race season, and because we need a little pick-me-up — who doesn't these days? — we asked Spartan employees what they miss most about racing, and what they're eagerly anticipating in 2021.

This is what they said.

(What do YOU miss about racing, and what are you excited about in 2021? Let us know on our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages.)

What Do We Miss About Racing? Ummm ... Everything (But Especially These Things)

I miss the start-line corral. I miss standing and stretching and warming up with everyone, and getting hyped up to hit the course! Best feeling in the world. - Julia Paradis, Email Marketing Manager, Cambridge, MA

what we miss about racing

Find Your Race: Dates and Details About 2021 Races

A shared challenge with my two teenaged sons. How many activities are there that a mom in her 50s and two teenaged boys both look forward to? We've raced together since they were too young to be "official," back in the days when that didn't matter.  In the beginning, I waited for them. Now they wait for me. - Marion Abrams, Spartan Up! Podcast Producer, Vermont

what we miss about racing

Being with friends, cheering each other on, high fives, and hugs. Celebrating after the race with some beers and recapping all the different obstacles - Jillian Wilbur, Marketing Project Manager, Boston, MA

Weirdly, the pre-race butterflies. Never thought I’d miss them, but I do! - Nicky Samra, Regional Marketing Manager, London, England

The camaraderie, the socialization, making friends with strangers, the excitement that is always in the air at a race, and the feeling that crossing the finish line gives you. People genuinely are enjoying themselves, and I love seeing it all unfold on race day. - Stephanie Fagan, Director of Email Marketing, Boston, MA

Related: The Ultimate 15-Day Plan to Conquer Your First Spartan Race

I miss the camaraderie! There’s something so incredible about seeing thousands of strangers coming together, helping one another over obstacles, and just cheering each other on and doling out high fives. We’re all one big community on the course, and there’s really no other feeling like it in the world. - Bailey Hull, Copywriter, Boston, MA

Related: If You Can Do One of These 8 Things, You Can Do a Spartan Race

I miss the camaraderie and pushing myself beyond my limits to see what I am capable of on the course. I also miss taking my son to the races. - Robert McDonald, Customer Service, Dallas, TX

what we miss about racing

I greatly miss the atmosphere, the energy, the community, the start-line emcees, and the finish-line reminder that I still have more to improve upon. - Nelson Diaz, New Jersey

Stopping by the Fire Jump, as the sun starts to set, to warm up and cheer on some finishers. - Seamus Queally, Director of Events, Boston, MA

what we miss about racing

I miss the energy and the sense of accomplishment that comes with racing. My friends and I put on a small 5K around our local streets the other day, and the anticipation that comes before the start of the race is so addictive. After we were finished and got home, the feeling of accomplishment I had is something that is hard to come by with individual efforts. - Brent Doscher, Director of Photography Production, Portland, ME

What We CAN'T WAIT to Do in 2021

In 2021, I can't wait for those last five minutes of a race, when most of the work is behind you and you have just a bit more to go. I'm never more proud of myself than at this point in a race. - Paradis

Getting a big family team together: aunts, uncles, nieces, and nephews. - Abrams

Motivation to challenge yourself to set goals and expectations. Being with friends, challenging, and encouraging each other every step of the way. Having fun! - Wilbur

Exploring new cities, countries, and racing against people from all over the world. - Samra

Related: The 10 Best Exercises to Train for Your First Spartan Race

I have spent this quarantine working on my training, and am really excited to get out there and tackle some of the obstacles that have challenged me the most in the past. Also, a girls weekend with my cousin for the Palm Beaches race in April! - Fagan

what we miss about racing

Getting to FINALLY nail those obstacles I missed on my last go. I’m saying this now to hold myself accountable: I’m going to hit that damn Spear Throw in 2021, no matter what. - Hull

what we miss about racing

I cannot wait to be part of the community of runners I like to run with again. I also look forward to taking my family to the races! - McDonald

Eager to see how many racers fall victim to the Spear Throw after a year off from racing. - Queally

Professionally, I'm super excited to work with all of my favorite photographers again. Spartan has the best photo team around, and we're like a family. It's been a very odd six months, and I'm chomping at the bit to see many of them again.  Personally, I'm excited to run as many races as I can manage! - Doscher

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