Workout of the Day: STRENGTH: July 26, 2017

"Every calamity is to be overcome by endurance." --Virgil
Today we are developing power. Perform each movement with purpose and maximum effort. Jump high and crawl low.
Stretch and foam roll Burpees 2 x 30 Single Leg Reach 1 x 15 each
Main Set: Super-sets
A1. Sumo Squat x 10 A2. Walking Lunges x 20 (10 each leg, advanced: Hold a Spartan Pancake to increase resistance) A3. Jump squats x 5 A4. Jump for maximum height Rest 1 minute and repeat 3-5x
B1. Bent Over Row x 10-20 B2. Skull Crusher x 10-20 B3. Bear Crawl x 6-10 Rest 1 minute and repeat 3-5x
Beginner Version: Increase rest periods. Perform only 3 sets each Advanced Version: Decrease rest periods. Perform 5 sets each
Next Workout: MIND: July 27, 2017