Spartan Beast Training Plan: Day 14 - Mind

Week 2 of Spartan Race Beast training is in the books. Your body should be feeling strong and powerful. Today, focus on your total body recovery.
When was the last time you took a yoga class?
Have you taken the time to actively mobilize and release your muscles? Pull out your Foam Roller and give your hamstrings some extra love.
The hamstrings can be a tricky area for runners and Spartans alike. They are essential in climbing and pulling throughout the course. An efficient Spartan has mobile hamstrings.
Start by lying your hamstring on the center of the Foam Roller. Use your arms to raise your upper body off the ground, then with small rolls move your way from the knee up to the hip driving pressure onto the roller. Angle your leg in and work the inner thigh muscles and then turn the leg out to work the IT-band area. Because this roller reaches so many muscles at once, you only need to spend 1-2 minutes to get an awesome release. This mobility release is awesome for hamstring tightness and enhancing recovery after exercise. Give it a try before and after your next runs, lifts, or race days.
Ready for tomorrow?
Spartan Beast Training Plan: Day 15
Start from the beginning?
Spartan Beast Training Plan: Day 1