
Workout of the Day: ATHLETICISM: September 12, 2017

Workout of the Day: ATHLETICISM: September 12, 2017
Presented by Spartan Training®


2 Rounds 40 Jumping Jacks 30 Body Weight Squats 20 Plank Shoulder Taps 10 Sit-Ups

Athletic Stamina Set:

Part I Pancake Squat To Overhead Press 10 x 5 Pancake Sit-Ups 10 x 5 Pancake Straight Leg Deadlifts 10 x 5 Pancake Slams 10 x 5 Rest 1 minute

Part II 3 Mile Tempo Run [Make This Run On The Trails] Warm up with 1 mile easy; Run 1 mile at high intensity; Cool down with 1 mile easy.


Stretch Foam Roll


Beginner Version: Reduce Part I rounds to 7. Advanced Version: Choose a heavy pancake 30+ pounds for women, 40+ pounds for men.