
How Spartans Smash Stereotypes for International Women's Day

How Spartans Smash Stereotypes for International Women's Day
Presented by Spartan Training®

Signing up for anything hard can be daunting: What if you fail? What if you have to do it alone? What if you’re not strong enough? But if you take a look around as you toe the start line at any event in the Spartan universe, you’ll find that most of the badass athletes standing beside you have the same doubts, fears, and motivations for showing up. To prove to themselves—and to the world—that nothing can break them. 

International Women's Day is a time to celebrate the unbreakable grit, strength, and resilience of women everywhere. For Spartans, it’s never been about who can go the farthest, or the fastest, without breaking down. Instead, this month is about honoring the commitment to showing up for yourself every day and conquering obstacles from which the you from five years ago would have backed down. 

Overcoming Obstacles With the Toughest Women Out There

Spartan women are built tough—it’s just in their DNA. But that doesn’t make perseverance in the face of turmoil any less of a feat. When the going gets tough and your brain begins to whisper, “quitting time,” breaking barriers amongst a community of thousands of women who signed up to suffer beside you fuels your fire, both on the course and in life beyond. 

This International Women’s Day, members of our fearless female community tapped in to share what inspires them about overcoming obstacles within the Spartan ecosystem. 


“To me, being a woman in OCR means smashing stereotypes and proving that women can do hard things, too. Recently I ran a Spartan Ultra, and for the second lap I ran with two fantastic ultra athletes, Emma Kirkwood and Sancha Martin. We were all struggling a bit at that point, and could have easily gone to quite a dark place. But through each others’ encouragement, we completed the race, still standing and – to a degree – still smiling.”
                            – Jen Clarke, OCR athlete

“Just one word to describe it all: pride. [Being a woman in OCR gives me] a source of pride to be able to overcome the same obstacles as men! This sport strengthens both the body and the mind, and helps us to overcome life's obstacles. All of these girls who are so good at obstacles encourage me to work every day to become even better!”
                            – Capucine Bertrand, OCR athlete

“Women are still somewhat unconventional in OCR, but the versatility and challenges of this sport make it perfect for us. I hope that in the future, more women will get involved and discover what they’re truly capable of. You don’t just find out where your limits are – you smash right past them, picking up new skills along the way. We should encourage each other and celebrate the incredible diversity and strength that every woman brings to OCR.”

                             – Michi Boettner, OCR athlete

“Being a woman in OCR can be incredibly empowering. It’s about challenging yourself, breaking barriers, and proving that strength and resilience have no gender. It’s about community, inspiring others, and showing that you can tackle any obstacle, both on the course and in life. The women in my life, from fellow athletes to friends, have been a profound source of inspiration and encouragement throughout my racing journey.”
                            – Marisa Primavera, OCR athlete

“Working in Spartan races as a woman in operations means mastering the art of controlled chaos. Who needs a gym when you’ve got a job that keeps you lifting, sprinting, and occasionally yelling, ‘Where’s the duct tape?!”

                            – Roula Gkarmati, Senior Manager Global Operations, Championship Events

“To me, being a woman at Spartan means pursuing the career that I’ve always dreamed of, learning from inspiring female leaders and helping to build a community that doesn’t have excuses — no matter the age, race or gender.”
                         – Iris Weissenboek, Social Media Manager, Europe

Tough Mudder

“Every woman who steps to the start line, scales an obstacle, or conquers the mud proves she is powerful and unstoppable. I’m proud to play a small role in creating these moments, providing a space where women challenge themselves, break barriers, and emerge stronger.”
                            – Natalie Beales, Marketing Director International

“I've been with Tough Mudder for over seven years, and throughout my journey, I’ve had the privilege of working alongside brilliant, strong, and creative women who push me to be better every day. From designing obstacles that test agility, grit, and teamwork to redefining what it means to be tough, this role has given me the space to be creative, and innovate (and let some quirkiness out!), in an industry that could easily be male-dominated.”
                            – Karen Trickey, Sr. Manager, Product and Brand

"Being part of a community of strong women, both on the course and behind the scenes, is an incredible honor. This group pushes me to be the best version of myself, embracing strength, resilience, and camaraderie. I love being surrounded by diverse, empowered women who embody the heart of Tough Mudder."

                            – Joan Duron, Email Marketing Manager


“I believe that the power of sport for women is truly transformational. At DEKA and across the entirety of Spartan, it’s not just about talking the talk when it comes to women in sport. We’re here, many of us, working together to make it happen.”
                            – Francesca Chiorando, DEKA Europe Marketing Manager

“In my current role, leading the development and expansion of DEKA across the UK, Europe, and International markets, I'm fortunate to harness the passion and energy of the women within both the DEKA and core Spartan teams. I truly love the incredible results we're achieving together. However, DEKA's success extends far beyond our team. The women running gyms and coaching are phenomenal. They're up before sunrise, opening their gyms for early classes, championing their members, celebrating fitness, and playing a vital role in our mission to change 100 million lives.”
                            – Emily leRoux, Regional Director DEKA UK & Europe, Global Partnerships

“Knowing that I am helping people improve their lives and feel better about themselves is incredibly rewarding. The entire DEKA team shares this purpose—we are all working together to inspire, uplift, and empower others to be their best.”
                            – Martina Peace, Email Marketing Manager

“I personally know how living an active and athletic lifestyle can be confidence-building and life-changing for women. That's why it's so rewarding for me to be able to share and amplify the inspiring stories of women of all ages, fitness levels, and body types conquering the DEKA arena.”
                            – Robin Legat, DEKA Event Sales & Marketing Manager

“As a female owned affiliate gym, DEKA is our secret weapon that allows us to empower women, especially moms, to focus on a goal of their own. It’s more than just another workout; it’s their chance to overcome obstacles and reclaim a sense of self and accomplishment.”
                            Magan McSwain & Maureen Millard, Co-owners, Mbody Fitness

“My favorite part of being a DEKA coach is being able to empower women to push beyond their so-called ‘limits’.  It makes me incredibly proud of my athletes when I see them cross the finish line or simply do something they never thought was possible.”
                            Candace Chan, Owner, Obstacourse Fitness

“DEKA gives me an avenue to show my daughter that women are strong and we can get things done. Additionally, it gives me an opportunity to show her that strength also comes when we lift up and encourage others competing alongside us. Being a good person, who wants to see everyone give their best in the things they do, will always outweigh being the best athlete.”

                            Jenny Ricks, Owner, The Hangout Gym

“DEKA is more than fitness. It has given me the opportunity to connect with people on a deeper level. It has enabled me to help people heal from traumatic life events, bring families together, and help people believe in themselves.”

                            Rose Dey, Owner, Zeta Wolf Fitness