How to Train for a Spartan Beast like Founder and CEO Joe De Sena

How to Train for a Spartan Beast like Founder and CEO Joe De Sena
Presented by Spartan Training®

The Spartan Beast is just that: a beast. With over 13 miles and 30 obstacles (and often a hefty amount of elevation gain and loss), this race type can easily take over five hours to complete, and if you're not well trained and nutritionally prepared, you're not guaranteed to finish. Luckily, Spartan CEO Joe De Sena knows just how to prepare you to conquer the 21K course in 12 weeks. Follow his free training plan now. 

There’s no one better to prepare you for a Spartan race other than Spartan founder and CEO Joe De Sena. Sure, there’s plenty of highly-qualified coaches and trainers out there that can get you battle-ready, but Joe built the damn thing. 

Here’s the bad news, he’s not always available to get your ass in shape in person (Wouldn’t that be pretty cool, though?), as he's often busy running a global brand after surviving a few of the most difficult years caused by COVID-19. The good news is, if you get him on a light day, he might respond to your email and send you this blueprint to success if you ask. Or, you can get it right here. 

Related: 30 Days to Spartan Beast: The First-Timer’s Training Plan to Survive

This 12-week template is ripped directly from Joe’s outbox after responding to a Spartan in need of a get-fit-quick plan. Now, it’s here for the taking as well.

Joe De Sena's Spartan Race Training: How to Prepare for the 21K Beast

Joe De Sena's Spartan Race Training

Joe’s training prescription — like most of the things he does — is straight-forward and no bullshit, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not thorough and strategic (quite the opposite, actually). 

There are three critical components: running (for obvious reasons), yoga (for stability and mobility), and strength (for obstacle completion). There’s also his quick bout of 30 burpees every single day first thing in the morning, up until five days out from the race. Not only will 30 burpees a day get your ass in gear, but they'll save you from doing even more burpees out on the course.

Related: My First Spartan Race Was a Beast. Here Are 5 Things I Wish I'd Known.

As you progress closer and closer to the race, you'll be increasing your volume of work. That means more running, more strength, and more yoga. Then, a week or so out from the race, you’re going to taper the work down. At that point, everything gets pulled back so that you’re fully recovered when it comes time to lace up, Spartan Up, and crush your race. 

12 to 9 Weeks to Race Day

  • Run 5 miles, once a week
  • Do yoga once a week
  • Strength train once a week

Sample schedule:

Every day should include 30 burpees first thing in the morning.

Sunday: Run
Monday: Active Recovery
Tuesday: Yoga
Wednesday: Active Recovery
Thursday: Strength
Friday: Active Recovery
Saturday: Active Recovery

9 to 6 Weeks to Race Day

  • Run 7 miles, twice a week
  • Do yoga twice a week
  • Strength train two times per week

Sample schedule:

Every day should include 30 burpees first thing in the morning.

Sunday: Run
Monday: Yoga and Strength
Tuesday: Active Recovery
Wednesday: Yoga 
Thursday: Run 
Friday: Strength
Saturday: Active Recovery

6 to 3 Weeks to Race Day

  • Run 8 miles, three times a week
  • Do yoga three times per week
  • Strength train four times per week

Sample schedule:

Every day should include 30 burpees first thing in the morning.

Sunday: Run, Strength, and Yoga
Monday: Active Recovery
Tuesday: Run and Strength
Wednesday: Yoga
Thursday: Run, Strength, and Yoga
Friday: Active Recovery
Saturday: Strength

3 to 0 Weeks to Race Day

  • Run 5 miles, four times per week (Weeks 3, 2, and 1 only)
  • No running in the final week, but do an easy 3-miler two days before the Beast
  • Do yoga once per week
  • Strength train once per week

Sample schedule:

Every day should include 30 burpees first thing in the morning.

Sunday: Run, Strength, and Yoga
Monday: Active Recovery
Tuesday: Run and Strength
Wednesday: Yoga
Thursday: Run and Strength
Friday: Active Recovery
Saturday: Run

Joe De Sena's Strength Training Workout Standard

Joe De Sena's Spartan Race Training

On strength days, perform each of the following exercises for 50 repetitions:

  • Pull-Ups
  • Squats
  • Push-Ups
  • Deadlifts
  • Kettlebell Swings
  • Dumbbell or Kettlebell Rows
  • Tricep Dips
  • Bicep Curls
  • Lunges
  • Box Jumps
  • 2 additional exercises for your choice

Upcoming Spartan Race Schedule