Lindsay Webster Is the 2017 Spartan Women’s World Champion

The 2015 and 2016 Spartan World Championships were like Groundhog Day for the top women, with Zuzana Kocumova finishing first and Lindsay Webster second. Before this year’s event few were wondering if Lindsay could finally take over the title, but rather, could anyone ever dethrone Zuzana, who won by more than 11 minutes last year?
Trading places the entire race with Zuzana, Lindsay found herself alone on the final obstacle, with only the multi-rig standing between her and her first world championship. Making it to the final obstacle, Lindsay was not able to hit the bell, and was relegated to 30 burpees, while Zuzana approached the rig.
However, Zuzana was not able to complete the obstacle either, and by the time she entered the burpee zone, Lindsay was simply too far ahead. After finishing her burpees, Lindsay crossed the finish line to a raucous ovation, securing her first ever title. Watch her finish in the video below.