The At-Home Strength Band Workout for Your Core

Resistance bands have quickly emerged as the most effective, versatile fitness equipment in the industry. SGX coaches use them in their fitness classes in place of traditional weights, physical therapists use them to add a variable of resistance to muscle activations while rehabbing injuries, and fitness enthusiasts use them to add either assistance or resistance to their most effective lifts.
RELATED: 5 Resistance Band Exercises to Blast You Into Peak Shape
Whether you’re adjusting to at-home workouts with little-to-no equipment or you’re a frequent traveler with limited access to a traditional gym, resistance bands are the easiest and most cost-effective tool to keep with you in order to keep your fitness training consistent. They’re easy to bring with you wherever you go and they take up minimal room. Resistance bands come in a variety of strengths, providing individuals of all skill and strength levels a safe alternative to traditional weight equipment.
RELATED: Use a Band to Accommodate Resistance Training Exercises for Safer Sets and Greater Gains
SPARTAN Strength Bands: What Are They?
As opposed to weights and other traditional strength equipment, these resistance bands can be utilized to mimic exercises for every muscle group. Because of the variable resistance, they will engage the core, recruiting the full kinetic chain with each exercise. This turns a traditional singular muscle group exercise into a total body exercise. Essentially, your body will not be able to perform any movement with a resistance band, unless the core is activated. This helps to eliminate compensations and biomechanical imbalances.
The Complete Strength Band Workout: Shoulders | Chest | Legs | Back | Arms
In this six-part series, we are showing you how to target each specific muscle group with SPARTAN Strength Bands. You will target a different grouping of muscles each day. Combine all six for a full six-day training program.
The Strength Band Core Workout
Core training is the most essential component to any workout program. While our SPARTAN Strength Bands program utilizes the core with every movement we do, we also want to ensure that the core gets specific attention as well.
For today, we are manipulating our bands in a way that targets the entire core.
Power Lift (3x8)
Plank Knee Tuck (3x8)
Bird Dog (3x10)
Half Kneeling Chop (3x10)
Pallof Press (3x10)
Ski Erg (8x20 seconds on x 10 seconds off)