Test Your Training

Go All In

Race like a champion at every chance you get. How else will you know what you're made of?

Choose Your Distance

Benvenuti alla Spartan Race

Ogni fine settimana, migliaia di Spartani si schiereranno sulla linea di partenza a New York, Londra, Messico e in altre città del mondo. Dove vi unirete a loro?

Trifecta Challenge

Complete a Sprint, Super, & Beast in the same year. Change your life forever.

Refer & Save

Spartan Your friend the #%@! Up

Give your friend 15% off their ticket, you’ll get $15 cash back. Friends don’t let friends race alone.

Gear up and save


Explore apparel you can adventure with. Our gear is designed for trail running with technology to match your skill.

Save 30% with code TRAIL30

Modulo testo casa
“You can’t escape Adversity.
How you handle it is your legacy.”
-Joe De Sena