2019 Spartan Ultra Worlds Moves to Åre, Sweden

2019 Spartan Ultra Worlds Moves to Åre, Sweden
Presented by Spartan Training®

Spartan has announced today the move the Spartan Ultra World Championship from the extreme cold and desolate beauty of Iceland—home for the past two years to the signature 24 hour OCR event—to the mountain village of  Åre, Sweden, 350 kilometers below the Article Circle.The new iteration of the Spartan Ultra World Championship will be held on November 8, 2019.

Spartan CEO Joe De Sena had this to say about the dream/nightmare 24 hour OCR:

The Spartan Ultra World Championship is the most difficult endurance event on the planet. Åre will feature all the conditions of the course in Iceland with added elevation and the element of the unknown, creating a more challenging event for racers. We’re going to push athletes as far as we ever have before. I can’t wait to watch the action unfold.”

24 Hour OCR event

The historic mountain village of Åre is an adventure seeker’s dream destination,  a virtual neighbor door to Spartan’s official performance apparel and footwear partner, CRAFT of Sweden.

The internationally renowned ski destination is also home to the Alpine Skiing FIS World Championship, one of ski racing’s biggest events.

The 2019 Spartan Ultra World Championship will challenge the mental and physical capacities of racers  as they compete on a looped course with more than 20 obstacles for a 24-hour period.

For more info on the event and how to qualify, visit our FAQ.