Spartan Running Training Plan | Day 28: Celebrate

Welcome to Day 28 of the Spartan Running Training Plan.
Congratulations, Spartan, you did it. Yesterday was your strongest running workout to date. How did you do? For today’s meditation, focus on the challenges you overcame during these last 28 days. Look back on where you started and how far you’ve come over the course of this running training plan. Relax and breathe. You are officially a runner.
Running Training Plan Workout: Day 28
The Workout
- To begin, find a quiet location where you can sit or lay in stillness.
- Close your eyes.
- Just breathe. You do not need to control your breathing. Allow your body to fall into each breath naturally.
- Stay mindful to how your body is moving with each breath. As you inhale, what is happening through your chest? Your shoulders? Your belly? What about with your exhale? Keep your mind on your breath for a minute or two.
- Now that you’ve observed your breathing, think back to day one of your running training plan. What thoughts went through your head? What were your fears? What were your challenges?
- Next, visualize your running workouts. Was there one style of running training that was more difficult for you? Work through that running workout. How did you feel at the end of each day?
- Think to your long running workouts. What was your favorite part of being out for miles at a time? Was there something you found less than favorable? Visualize your runs. Breathe.
- Lastly, think to yesterday’s running workout. How did your pace feel? Was it a challenge sinking in to your projected pace? Use your breath to work through your highs and lows of your run. How did you feel crossing that finish line? Celebrate that feeling.
- Finish off your practice today with a few more rounds of mindful breathing. Has your body movement or your breath changed from the beginning? Notice the relaxed state of your body. Is there any particular area that is feeling more at ease or more comfortable now at rest?
If you are new to meditation, you only need to spend between three and five minutes in stillness today to see the benefits. Finish out your day and take note of your body’s awareness. Continuing the practice of meditation will help to relieve stress and to improve your body’s overall performance. Start with practicing one time a week. As you become more comfortable at ease, you may find yourself wanting to meditate multiple times a week, for longer sessions.
Congratulations on conquering 28 days of running workouts through this running training plan. You are now a runner.
See how far you’ve come by checking out the first installment of the Spartan Running Training Plan.
Getting ready to tackle a Spartan race? Download The Spartan 2018 Training Plan as your blueprint. #noexcuses