Super Spartan Training Plan: Day 4 - Active Recovery

Happy Thanksgiving, Spartan. Today is a day to relax a bit and enjoy time with the family, as well as eat your fill.
You’ve had a tough week thus far, so you deserve today’s mobility and stability active recovery. Keep today’s exercise weight light and spend today honing in on your body awareness. If you are experiencing any abnormal aches and pains, increase your active mobility in that area, and keep weight for that area low, but do not avoid the exercises altogether.
Perform this workout in a circuit. Complete one set of each exercise before beginning a new set.
Dynamic Warm Up
Main Set:
½ Mile Incline Walk 5-15% (6-7 RPE)
Hanging Scap Retractions - 4x12 (6-7 RPE)
- To perform the hanging scapular retraction, grab an overhead bar in an overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Keeping your arms straight, pull your shoulder blades together and down. Hold for 5 seconds and release. You can come out of the hang as needed.
- If you are not comfortable in the hang position, you can perform this exercise in a wall push up position.
SL Reach with Pancake - 4x12 (6-7 RPE)
Plank - 4x12 (6-7 RPE)
Split Squat Hold - 4x:20 seconds (6-7 RPE)
Rest 1-2 Minutes between sets
Cool Down
Pull out your favorite Acumobility SPARTAN Ball or Acumobility SPARTAN Eclipse Roller. Spend anywhere from 30 seconds to 3 minutes on each muscle, depending on tightness.
Today, you will want to release your:
- Lats (under your shoulder blades)
- Pecs (below the front of your shoulder socket)
- Calfs (lower leg)
- Hamstrings (back of upper leg)
A more advanced Spartan may also require a hip flexor releases just above your front hip bone.