Mark Divine Unbeatable Mind

What makes a true warrior? SEALFIT founder Mark Divine brings mindfulness, strength and a holistic perspective to success. Joe and Mark talk about the value of ritual as a means to shed distractions and turn inward. It’s a way to reach your higher self, to feel oneness with the world and live according to your principles. Humanity needs each person, so it is your human obligation to take the best possible care of yourself - mentally and physically. What steps to Joe and Mark suggest? Listen and learn.
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Lessons 1. A meditation practice elevates your perspective. 2. Physical, mental and spiritual growth should not be separated.
Links SEALFIT BURPEES FOR VETS UNBEATABLE MIND Mark Divine’s Book “The Way of the Seal”
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Credits Producer - Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Hosts - Joe De Sena with Johnny Waite, Sefra Alexandra, & Col. Tim Nye Synopsis - Matt Baatz