5 All-Time Scariest(!) Spartan Workouts for Halloween

5 All-Time Scariest(!) Spartan Workouts for Halloween
Presented by Spartan Training®

BOO! We got you. (Okay, maybe not) but in honor of the spookiest day of the year, we challenge YOU to chase your fitness goals and get after the toughest workouts you can cram into 10 minutes or less. We tapped our Spartan SGX Coaches for their favorite sets that work up a sweat, build muscle and boost strength, speed, and performance. So when you go candy-crushing tonight (let's be honest, you're definitely going to raid your kids' pillowcase and pumpkin bucket after they go to bed) you can feel solid knowing you put your work in. Try these butt-busting Halloween workouts to celebrate in style, and work off that chocolate treat(s) before the haunting hits.

BE AFRAID: 5 Halloween Workouts

1. Catching Clock

By Pablo Romo, Spartan SGX Coach, CrossFit L2, and Kettlebell

Follow on Instagram: @pabloromom

Think you're tough enough for threshold sprints and burpees, back to back? Think again. This heart-pumping three minute workout will leave you totally gassed, and scare you straight. Trick-or-treating with your kids is nothing against this.

3 rounds for time on the 3-minute mark:

  • 400-Meter Run
  • 5-10 Burpees (5 for beginner, 7 for intermediate, 10 for beast)


2. The Tough Ten

By Allison Tai, Spartan SGX Coach, Spartan Canada Point Series winner 2015, Second place at Canadian Championships 2017

Put your bodyweight endurance to the test with this ultra scary set. It's super simple on the front end, but sustain it for X minutes outlined below and you'll take your strength to a new ghoulish level."Just like in a Spartan Race, the trick is to keep moving and pace yourself," says Tai.

10 rounds:

Or try for time:

  • Beginner: 10 mins
  • Intermediate: 8 mins
  • Beast: 7 mins

3. Metcon Countdown

By Barb Snelling, Spartan SGX Coach, Can Fit Pro Certified Personal Trainer, Proud Mom of Two Spartan Daughters

Follow on Facebook: @FitnessEndorphinsWithBarb

No one thinks burpees are easy, but when you do them in descending order of reps, from 10 down, it gets your blood pumping and builds stamina in a way no other exercise can — whether you like it or not.

Countdown of 10 reps of each move reducing by 1 until workout set is complete:

Related: 6 Weighted Vest Workouts From Veteran SGX Coaches 

4. Acid and Sand

By Cody Fuiten, Spartan SGX Coach, CPR/AED

Follow on Instagram: @codyfuiten

No rest for the weary on Halloween. Try this sandbag buster to push your limits and spook the stamina right out of you. "Who says you can’t have everything you want? This isn’t just a running workout, it’s a heavy lifting workout as well," says Fuiten. "Put the pedal down and see how long you can redline."

4 rounds of:

  • 400 Meter Run
  • 6 Heavy Sandbag Clean to Shoulder (Sandbag can be dropped behind or dropped back to the front but must land and sit on the top of the shoulder to count)

To gauge the weight of sandbag:

  • Beginner = M 50 lbs, F 35 lbs; 8-10 mins
  • Intermediate = M 75-100 lbs, F 50-75 lbs; 7-10 mins
  • Beast = M 125-150 lbs, F 100 lbs; 7-10 mins

Lighter weights can be used if needed, the goal is to move through the weighted "obstacle" as fast as possible and get back to a run

Related: 3 SGX Coaches Share Their Favorite Simple Post-Workout Recipes

5. Kettlebell 5 x 5 x 5

By Todd Cambio, Spartan SGX Coach, Elite Kettlebell Instructor

Follow on Instagram: @The_Red_Gorilla

Brave enough to stick around for these Halloween workouts? This one's the challenge creme de la creme. Packing as many reps as you can handle, top off your terrifying set of workouts with this one to see how "monster" you can become. "If you are low on time, turn up the intensity. Give the Spartan Kettlebell 5 x 5 x 5 a go!" says Cambio.

Five reps of each exercise for as many rounds as you can for 10 minutes

Goal is to get as many QUALITY reps as possible

Get Obstacle Ready