Ben Franklin’s Success Secret | Spartan Way #12

Ben Franklin’s Success Secret | Spartan Way #12
Presented by Spartan Training®

How To Wake Up Early

Ben Franklin has a famous quote that speaks volumes: Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Embedded in this classic quote is the answer to how to wake up early.

For Zach Even-Esh, his personal experience informs the value of following Franklin's mantra. In his quest to build his business, he started staying up and working past 10. Then past 11. Then past midnight and on through 1 a.m. The idea was that more time spent working would equate to more success. But the result? He suffered declines in creativity, energy, productivity and more. "Things just weren't working," he says. He started looking at what others were doing. Lights out for Zach? 10pm, 10:30pm at latest. Applying the routine he describes in the podcast, you'll become more productive, energetic and be able to "put points on the board" early.

What does your day look like? Do you get to bed too late and in turn, your morning is a struggle? Lack of sleep will negatively affect your health, relationships, energy levels and career! Listen to this episode to hear what successful people do and advice how to wake up early and get on it.

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Action separates the good from the great.


- How working late to get more work done eventually negatively affects your productivity.
- How to wake up early by incrementally changing your routine.
- How to “put points on the score board” first thing in the morning.


    More about Zach

    Read “The Spartan Way” 

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    Zach’s STRONG Life Podcast


    Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc.

    Host & Show Notes:  Zach Even - Esh

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