
28-Day Spartan Boot Camp Powered by Power Systems

28-Day Spartan Boot Camp Powered by Power Systems
Presented by Spartan Training®

Sponsored by our partner Power Systems

Spartan Elite Coach Yancy Culp teamed up with Power Systems to craft a progressive 28-day Spartan bootcamp to make you race ready. Grab your Power Systems gear available at our merch store and get moving at your home or gym. Each week introduces a new piece of Power Systems equipment, elevating the workouts and activating your full body to best prepare you for some of the toughest Spartan obstacles.

The Ultimate 28-Day Spartan Bootcamp


This week we focus on integrating bands into our training.

Obstacle Training Exercise Highlights

Banded Bear Row – maximize time while training for the Multi-rig, Monkey Bars, Tyrolean Traverse, Rope Climb, and Barbed Wire Crawl with this exercise that hits the core, grip & pull strength (back, biceps, forearms) at the same time.

Hand Position Change – hits the back, biceps, and forearms while working the all-important grip strength & grip strength endurance.

Day 1:

Burpee x 10 Band resistance one arm lat row x 10 (5 each side) Band resistance
- Overhead press x 10
-Band resistance one arm row x 10 (5 each side)
This completes 1 round.

Continue repeating but drop all reps down to 8/6/4/2 for remaining 4 rounds. *Total 120 reps *Options to scale up: 160 reps (12/10/8/6/4) or 200 reps (14/12/10/8/6)

Day 2:

- Burpee x 10
- Band resistance squat x 10
- Band resistance backward lunge x 10 (5 each leg)
- Band resistance lateral step x 10 (5 each side)
This completes 1 round.

Continue repeating but drop all reps down to 8/6/4/2 for remaining 4 rounds. *Total 120 reps *Options to scale up: 160 reps (12/10/8/6/4) or 200 reps (14/12/10/8/6)

Day 3:

- Burpee x 10
- Band assisted pull-up x 10
- Band assisted hand position change x 10
- Band resistance bear row x 10 (5 each arm)
This completes 1 round.
Continue repeating but drop all reps down to 8/6/4/2 for remaining 4 rounds. *Total 120 reps *Options to scale up: 160 reps (12/10/8/6/4) or 200 reps (14/12/10/8/6)


Day 4:

- Band resistance skip x 30sec
- resistance run x 1min
- resistance skip x 30sec
- Burpee x 10
This completes 1 round.
Continue repeating for a total of 3 rounds. *Focus on midfoot strike, allowing heel to touch ground right after midfoot strike, and maintaining hip extension

Day 5:

- Band resistance burpee x 10
- Band resistance kneeling step-up x 10
- Band resistance front squat x 10
- Band resistance Bear row x 10 (5 each arm) reps down to 8/6/4/2 for remaining 4 rounds.
*Total 120 reps *Options to scale up: 160 reps (12/10/8/6/4) or 200 reps (14/12/10/8/6)

Day 6:

- Band resistance burpee x 10
- Band assisted pull-up x 10
- Band assisted shoulder taps x 10
- Band assisted face pull x 10
This completes 1 round.
Continue repeating but drop all reps down to 8/6/4/2 for remaining 4 rounds. *Total 120 reps *Options to scale up: 160 reps (12/10/8/6/4) or 200 reps (14/12/10/8/6)

Day 7:

- Band resistance skip x 30sec
- resistance run x 1min
- resistance skip x 30sec Burpee x 10
This completes 1 round.
Continue repeating for a total of 3 rounds.
*Focus on midfoot strike, allowing the heel to touch the ground after the midfoot strike, and maintaining hip extension

Related: Spartan WOD January Bootcamp: Obstacle Specific Training


-Band resistance burpee x 12
- Slam Ball bent row x 12
- Slam Ball hip circle x 12 (6 each direction)
- Seated Slam Ball incline press x 12
This completes 1 round.
Continue repeating but drop all reps down to 10/8/6/4 for remaining 4 rounds. *Total 160 reps *Options to scale up: 200 reps (14/12/10/8/6), 240 reps (16/14/12/10/8)

Day 2:

- Band resistance burpee x 12
- Slam Ball slam x 12
- Band resistance squat w/Slam Ball overhead press x 12
- Side to side squat jump w/Slam Ball resistance x 12
This completes 1 round.
Continue repeating but drop all reps down to 10/8/6/4 for remaining 4 rounds. *Total 160 reps *Options to scale up: 200 reps (14/12/10/8/6), 240 reps (16/14/12/10/8)

Day 3:

- Burpee x 12
- Band assisted pull-up x 12
- Band assisted shoulder tap x 12
- Band resistance Bear row x 12
This completes 1 round.
Continue repeating but drop all reps down to 10/8/6/4 for remaining 4 rounds. *Total 160 reps *Options to scale up: 200 reps (14/12/10/8/6), 240 reps (16/14/12/10/8)

Day 4:

- Band resistance skip x 30sec
- Resistance run x 2min
- Resistance skip x 30se
- Band resistance burpee x 20
This completes 1 round.
Continue repeating for a total of 3 rounds (for rounds 2 & 3 drop burpees down to 10 reps) *Focus on midfoot strike, allowing heel to touch ground after midfoot strike, and maintaining hip extension

Day 5:

- Slam Ball Burpees x 12
- Side to side squat jump w/Slam Ball slam x 12
- Band resistance squat w/ Slam Ball overhead press
- Band resistance bear row x 12 (6 each arm)
This completes 1 round.
Continue repeating but drop all reps down to 10/8/6/4 for remaining 4 rounds. *Total 160 reps *Options to scale up: 200 reps (14/12/10/8/6), 240 reps (16/14/12/10/8)

Day 6:

- Slam Ball sit-up to slam to burpee to slam x 12
- Band assisted pull-up x 12 Band assisted shoulder tap x 12
- Band assisted kneeling step-up w/Slam Ball overhead press x 12
This completes 1 round.
Continue repeating but drop all reps down to 10/8/6/4 for remaining 4 rounds. *Total 160 reps *Options to scale up: 200 reps (14/12/10/8/6), 240 reps (16/14/12/10/8)

Day 7:

Band resistance skip x 30sec, resistance run x 2min, resistance skip x 30sec Band resistance burpee x 20 This completes 1 round. Continue repeating for a total of 3 rounds (for rounds 2 & 3 drop burpees down to 10 reps) *Focus on midfoot strike, allowing heel to touch ground after midfoot strike, and maintaining hip extension

Related: 7 Hardest Spartan Obstacles (+Insider Tips from Spartan Specialists to Conquer Them)

Week 3

In week three of our Spartan Bootcamp powered by Power Systems, we maximize our efforts by introducing a 3-in-1 Plyo Box. Yancy continues to put variations on our work with bands and slam balls in a week of workouts that will leave you stronger and leaner.

Day 1:

- Band resistance burpee x 12
- Box step-up w/ Slam Ball resistance x 12 (6 each leg)
- Slam Ball slam x 12 Band resistance Box step-up x 12 (6 each leg)
This completes 1 round.
Continue repeating but drop all reps down to 10/8/6/4 for remaining 4 rounds. *Total 160 reps *Options to scale up: 200 reps (14/12/10/8/6), 240 reps (16/14/12/10/8)

Day 2:

- Slam Ball burpee x 12
- Slam Ball Band row x 12
- Band assisted pull-up x 12
- Band resistance face pull x 12
This completes 1 round.
Continue repeating but drop all reps down to 10/8/6/4 for remaining 4 rounds. *Total 160 reps *Options to scale up: 200 reps (14/12/10/8/6), 240 reps (16/14/12/10/8)

Day 3:

- Slam Ball burpee to slam x 12
- Band resistance lateral step x 12
- Band resistance Box step-up x 12 (6 each leg)
- Side facing step-up w/Slam Ball resistance x 12 (6 each leg)
This completes 1 round.
Continue repeating but drop all reps down to 10/8/6/4 for remaining 4 rounds. *Total 160 reps *Options to scale up: 200 reps (14/12/10/8/6), 240 reps (16/14/12/10/8)

Day 4:

- Band resistance skip x 30sec
- resistance run x 3min
- Resistance skip x 30sec
- Band resistance burpee x 20
This completes 1 round.
Continue repeating for a total of 3 rounds (for rounds 2 & 3 drop burpees down to 10 reps) *Focus on midfoot strike, allowing heel to touch ground after midfoot strike, and maintaining hip extension

Day 5:

- Band resistance Slam Ball Burpee X 12
- Band resistance one arm lateral row x 12 (6 each arm)
- Band resistance pull-up x 12
- Band resistance shoulder tap x 12
This completes 1 round.
Continue repeating but drop all reps down to 10/8/6/4 for the remaining 4 rounds. *Total 160 reps *Options to scale up: (14/12/18/8/6), 240 reps (16/14/12/10/8)

Day 6:

- One-legged Slam Ball Burpee x 12
- Band resistance lateral step x 12 (6 each leg)
- Band resistance Box step-up w/Slam Ball overhead press x 12
- Box Pistol squat x 12 (6 each leg)
This completes 1 round.
Continue repeating but drop all reps down to 10/8/6/4 for remaining 4 rounds. *Total 160 reps *Options to scale up: (14/12/18/8/6), 240 reps (16/14/12/10/8)

Day 7:

- Band resistance skip x 30sec
- Resistance run x 3min
- Resistance skip x 30sec
- Band resistance burpee x 20
This completes 1 round.
Continue repeating for a total of 3 rounds (for rounds 2 & 3 drop burpees down to 10 reps) *Focus on midfoot strike, allowing heel to touch ground after midfoot strike, and maintaining hip extension

Related: Foot Trigger Point Release with Acumobility Ball and Floss Band

Week 4

For our final week, we go all out. It's about power and strength. Grab all the Power Systems gear we've already used, and get ready to meet the Dead Ball.

Yancy Culp has designed this final week of our 28-day Spartan Bootcamp to push you to your limits so that you are ready for any obstacle that confronts you.

Day 1:

- Dead Ball burpee x 10
- Dead Ball seated incline press x 10
- Band assistance pull-up x 10 (complete as many as possible without band assistance)
- Band assistance shoulder taps x 10 (complete as many as possible without band assistance)
This completes 1 round.
Continue repeating but drop all reps down to 8/6/4/2 for remaining 4 rounds. *Total 120 reps

Day 2:

- Dead Ball shoulder over burpee x 10
- Band resistance hip hinge x 10
- Dead Ball dead lift & carry x 20yd (10yd down & back)
- Dead Ball step-up x 10
This completes 1 round.
Continue repeating but drop all reps down to 8/6/4/2 for remaining 4 rounds (carry stays 20yd for all 4 rounds) *Total 120 reps

Day 3:

- One-legged burpees Band resistance one arm lat row x 10 (5 each arm)
- Band resistance one arm row x 10 (5 each arm)
- Band resistance face pull x 10
This completes 1 round.
Continue repeating but drop all reps down to 8/6/4/2 for remaining 4 rounds *Total 120 reps

Day 4:

- Band resistance skip x 30sec
- resistance run x 4min
- resistance skip x 30sec
- Band resistance burpee x 10
This completes 1 round.
Continue repeating for a total of 3 rounds *Focus on midfoot strike, allowing the heel to touch the ground after the midfoot strike, and maintaining hip extension

Day 5:

- Burpee box jump over x 10
- Dead Ball shoulder over x 10
- Dead Ball shoulder to squat x 10
- Band resistance squat w/ Dead Ball overhead press x 10
This completes 1 round.
Continue repeating for a total of 3 rounds *Focus on midfoot strike, allowing heel to touch ground after midfoot strike, and maintaining hip extension

Day 6:

- Burpee x 10
- Band resistance lateral row x 10 (5 each side)
- Band assisted pull-up x 10 (complete as many as possible without band assistance)
- Band resistance bear row x 10
This completes 1 round.
Continue repeating for a total of 3 rounds *Focus on midfoot strike, allowing the heel to touch the ground after the midfoot strike, and maintaining hip extension.

Day 7:

- Band resistance skip x 30sec
- resistance run x 4min
- resistance skip x 30sec
- Band resistance burpee x 10
This completes 1 round.
Continue repeating for a total of 3 rounds *Focus on midfoot strike, allowing heel to touch ground after midfoot strike, and maintaining hip extension ***Finisher – Burpee x 20 for time*** *If you complete all 28 days + the Finisher, you will have completed 1000 burpees. Enjoy!

To begin this bootcamp: Week 1: 28-Day Bootcamp Powered by Power Systems

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