Bodyweight Training Plan: Day 10 - Pulling

Just like with our pushing mechanics for this week, we are now looking to increase strength in the muscles that are essential for pulling and climbing while on the Spartan course.
To make these exercises more challenging, can you increase the step of your side step up, lower the bar on your inverted row, or try a pull up instead of a bicep hang? In order to see the most with this bodyweight program, you will need to train your body to push through the mental cues that tell you to give up. When your brain tells you to stop, your body can keep going. You’ve got this, Spartan.
Perform each circuit as 3 super-sets. Active Mobilization Dynamic Warm Up
Circuit 1
Crab Walks – 4×12 (7-8 RPE) Dead Hangs – 4x:20 (7-8 RPE) Box Jumps – 4×12 (7-8 RPE)
Circuit 2
Side Step Ups – 4×12 (7-8 RPE) Inverted Row – 4×10 (7-8 RPE) Toe Taps – 4×75 (7-8 RPE)
- In a seated position, keeping your heels firmly places on the ground, pick your toes up and tap them back to the floor as quickly as possible. This is great to prevent shin splints.
Circuit 3
Bird Dog – 4×12 (each side) (7-8 RPE) Pull Ups 4x6 (7-8 RPE) Leg Lowering – 4×12 (7-8 RPE)
Cool Down
Foam roll any muscles you feel excessive soreness or tightness
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