Bodyweight Training Plan: Day 22 - Pushing

Today is your final pushing workout in our 28-day bodyweight workout. We are taking our exercises back to the basic movements and noticing how the exercises that were once a challenge, have now become more simple and your body has adapted. You are now reaching new depths and you are much more confident with each movement. Nice work, Spartan.
Active Mobilization Dynamic Warm Up
Perform each circuit as 3 super-sets.
Circuit 1
Bear Crawl – 3×10 (7-8 RPE) Body Weight Squats – 3×10 (7-8 RPE) Wide Push Ups – 3×10 (7-8 RPE)
Circuit 2
Split Squats – 3×10 (7-8 RPE) Tricep Dips – 3×10 (7-8 RPE) Calf Raises – 3×10 (7-8 RPE)
Circuit 3
SL Sit to Stand – 3×10 (7-8 RPE) Dolphin Push Ups 3×10 (7-8 RPE) Step Ups 3×10 (7-8 RPE)
Core Circuit
Plank to Arm Lift (alternating sides) – 3×10 (7-8 PRE) Dead Bug – 3×10 (7-8 RPE)
Cool Down
Foam roll any muscles you feel excessive soreness or tightness
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