Bodyweight Training Plan: Day 13 - Running

One of the most dreaded forms of exercise is running. Those who do not run, do not want to run. Today, let’s make running fun.
For today’s workout, we are stepping away from the boring steady state runs. We will be doing a 3 1/2 mile training run, broken up by variable inclines and exercises. Our mileage will work in a pyramid fashion.
Main Set:
1 Mile Run (6-7 RPE)
10 Push Ups
1/2 Mile Jog - 5-10% Incline (7-8 RPE)
10 Squats
1/4 Mile Walk/ Jog - 10-15% Incline (8-9 RPE)
10 Bear Crawls
1/4 Mile Jog - 5-10% Incline (8-9 RPE)
5 Pull Ups/ 10 Inverted Rows
1/2 Mile Walk/ Jog - 10-15% Incline (8-9 RPE)
10 Burpees
1 Mile Run (7-9 RPE)
Cool Down
Foam Roll any muscles you feel excessive soreness or tightness
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