Spartan Running Training Plan | Day 3: Running Repeats

Welcome to Day 3 of the Spartan Running Training Plan.
As a runner, qualities such as stride length and your total body posture play a huge role in reaching new paces. These qualities are reliant on your pulling muscles. Once your body is trained in pulling mechanics, you immediately go into a cardiovascular pushing track/ treadmill work.
Today, you will perform hip and back dominant pulling supersets to enhance stability and to prevent overuse injuries. You will then go immediately into a workout consisting of track/ treadmill repeats that will train you on pushing your speed.
Similar to our Fartlek workouts, we will be basing our pace time on our projected personal record (PR) goal. This workout is designed to push your aerobic threshold while training your body to sustain its pace. When your repeats get tough, focus on your breath and stay strong. You can do this Spartan.
The Warm Up
The Work Out
Circuit 1
Upright Row - 3x:10 (7-8 RPE)
Circuit 2
Side Step Ups - 3x10 (7-8 RPE)
Renegade Row - 3x10 (7-8 RPE)
Circuit 3
Cook Hip Lift - 3x10 (7-8 RPE)
Pancake Lifts - 3x10 (7-8 RPE)
Running Repeats
10 minute jog (50% PR Pace)
400m @ Projected PR
1 minute jog (50% PR Pace)
400m @ Projected PR
1 minute jog (50% PR Pace)
400m @ Projected PR + .1 mph
1 minute jog (50% PR Pace)
800m @ Projected PR + .2 mph
1 minute jog (50% PR Pace)
400m @ Projected PR
1 minute jog (50% PR Pace)
400m @ Projected PR
1 minute jog (50% PR Pace)
400m @ Projected PR + .3 mph
1 minute jog (50% PR Pace)
800m @ Projected PR + .4 mph
5 minute jog (50% PR Pace)
Cool Down
Foam roll any muscles you feel excessive soreness or tightness.
Get mentally and physically ready for tomorrow’s running training plan workout: Day 4 of the Spartan Running Training Plan.
Or, see how far you’ve come by checking out the first installment of the Spartan Running Training Plan.
Getting ready to tackle a Spartan race? Download The Spartan 2018 Training Plan as your blueprint. #noexcuses