12 Days of Fitness: Bodyweight Workout Challenge for All Fitness Levels

You've heard of the 12 Days of Christmas. Well this is the 12 Days of Fitness. Each day we're revealing another Spartan-approved workout for the holiday season and new year. Click here to see all of the workouts.
“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can." --Arthur Ashe
No matter what your fitness level, today's workout is built to be accessible and doable just about anywhere. No excuses. All you need is your body, gravity and grit to reap the benefits of these movements. Challenge and push yourself to your limits, and record how long it takes you to complete. As you work with this bodyweight workout challenge over time, keeping tabs on your performance will allow you to gauge your fitness gains. Because who doesn't love to see progress?
Related: 12 Days of Fitness: The Strength-Training Backyard Workout
Bodyweight Workout Challenge for All Fitness Levels
Related: 12 Days of Fitness: The Spartan 15 Bodyweight Workout Video
Main Set:
30 Squats
30 Burpees
30 Lunges (15 per side)
30 Russian Twists (15 per side)
Repeat 3 more times (Total of 4 rounds)
Take note of your total time to complete the above sets
Related: 12 Days of Fitness: The 10-Minute Full-Body Workout Video
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