Workout of the Day: STRENGTH: September 27, 2017

Endurance is nobler than strength, and patience than beauty. --John Ruskin
Jumping Jacks 2 x 20 Bear Crawl 2 x 25 yards - Low and slow!
Main Set: Super Set Strength Circuit
Part I A1. Push-up x 10-15 (Advanced: Decline push-ups) A2. Pull-ups x 5-10 A3. Skull Crusher x 10 Rest 1 minute and repeat x 4
B1. Dips x 10-15 B2. Upright Row x 10-15 B3. Hanging Leg Raises x 5+ Rest 1 minute and repeat x 4
C1. Plank x 30 seconds Rest 1 minute C2. Pancake Slams x 10 Rest 1 minute and repeat x 3
Part II: Walk 15 minutes carrying weight. Hang tough, we know it's been a long week. But endurance is about grinding it out.
If stuck indoors, use the stair climber or rowing machine.
Cool Down
Stretch Foam Roll
Beginner Version: Reduce Rep Count Advanced Version: Increase Rep Count and/or resistance